How To Quickly Build A Profitable Information Business
And Turn What You Already Know Into Cash In The Bank!
How many times have you wished that you could earn a steady online income doing what you love and enjoy?
Often? Me too!
So, let's talk about how to build an information empire around your passions.
This is Your ULTIMATE Guide To Become An Internet Infopreneur!
Ten years ago, my breakthrough program helped 83 new information entrepreneurs get started on the path to growing rich - from what they already know!
"Think, Write & Retire!", is a guide that distills their 16-week training program into a step by step program that you can use to follow it, too.
If you've ever felt that information marketing is like jumping out of a plane without a parachute, stop worrying. Instead, ask yourself this question...
Could YOU have written any of these books below?
- "Surviving The Breakup"
- "Lies My Teacher Told Me"
- "101 Best Home-Based Businesses for Women"
- "Raising a Daughter"
- "Wonderful Ways to Love a Child"
- "Life's Little Frustration Book"
- "35,000 Baby Names"
EACH of them sold OVER 50,000 copies!
How often have you glanced at a best-selling title and thought: "I could write that!"
I have. Many times.
So WHY don't more people take the next logical step and actually write one?
7 Reasons Why You've Not Yet Written Your First Book
Reason #1: It's too hard!
Forget about all you've heard about the travails of a published author. Today, anyone can be published - effortlessly. You'll learn how - and where.
Reason #2: I can't write fiction!
You don't have to. Indeed, you shouldn't - because it's far easier to dominate the non-fiction market. It's also the easiest genre to get published in.
Reason #3: It'll take too long!
Not any longer. Gone are the days when it took a year or two from manuscript to printed book. Now you can start making a living as a writer much faster than you thought possible.
Reason #4: It's too complicated!
Maybe you've been scared about contract negotiations, finding an agent, writing proposals, marketing, and other stuff you thought writers must learn. The good news: You don't need any of it to succeed.
Reason #5: I can't do it!
Of course you can... if you want to. Listen, even highschool dropouts and folks who never went to college are becoming celebrities as information entrepreneurs. If they can do it, you certainly can... and will.
Reason #6: You tell yourself: I cannot write!
You don't have to. Maybe that sounds funny, but it isn't a joke. Here's a little-known secret - many best-selling books were NOT written by the author!
Smart infopreneurs leverage talent - and talent is abundant. There are skilled writers, excellent voice-over artists, and elegant actors just waiting for you to instruct them on what to write, say or act... and they'll do it FOR YOU!
And finally, this heartbreakingly common excuse:
Reason #7: "I Don't Have Anything To Say"
That's absolutely untrue!
Everyone - yes, everyone including YOU - has something to say, some message to share with the world, some deep purpose that fires your passion, ignites your imagination, sears your soul - and demands expression.
You've only kept it down, repressed and locked up within, because you didn't know how to set it loose.
You weren't sure how to share it with others. You had no idea how to create the impact you were destined to make.
Well, All That's About To Change!
Because you're about to discover the secret!
The secret of how to succeed as an infopreneur.
- Do you want to write your own book - but aren't sure where to start?
- Are you looking for a "great idea" for your information products?
- Is it a lack of confidence that's holding you back?
- Or were you fooled into believing you've got to be a genius to be a writer?
Whatever it was, you can change that... just like Joe Pass did. After learning the secrets of effective content marketing, he said:
"Think, Write & Retire' gave me renewed confidence that nearly anyone can create a respectable infoproduct.
One of the most thorough, easy to understand infoproduct development programs I've seen to date. It's a complete product development program that's easy to understand."
- Joe Pass
Now, this experience can be yours.
Just Like Many Others!
More amateur authors, speakers, home movie-makers and hobbyists are breaking into the big time in information product sales, thanks to the extensive and ever-growing reach of the Internet.
And they're doing it with astonishingly simple bestsellers that tap into lucrative niches and serve eager, hungry audiences in them... not once or twice, but year after year.
It's true. Among the many home-based businesses and opportunities being touted these days, one of the easiest, cheapest and most lucrative is being an "information entrepreneur".
Nothing else offers greater potential for recognition, respect and financial reward than creating valuable and high-quality content to share with a worldwide audience.
It is the ultimate dream job!
"In Think, Write & Retire, Dr Mani has compiled all his infopreneur expertise into one easy package...he just gives and gives."
- Chris Garrett, Author of "PROBLOGGER - Secrets to 6-Figure Income'
What does an infopreneur do?
And how can you join the ranks of profitable information marketers?
Many people aren't sure. So let's talk about exactly who infopreneurs are, what they do, and why YOU may want to become one.
We'll begin with Lori Marshall. Lori wrote and sold thousands of copies of a guide on golfing.
Not surprising, right? Golf is a popular sport, after all.
But Lori's info-preneuring profits came from writing a book on improving your golf swing - but specifically for women golfers... who are LEFT-HANDED!
She sells INFORMATION - but a kind of specialized information she knows others want, and that she could package and offer them in a way that meets their needs.
That is exactly what an infopreneur does.
You too can learn how to own an online business, and take control of your future... by becoming an Internet Infopreneur.
You too have specialized information locked away inside your brain, that can become the core of your infopreneuring career.
After you compile, condense and creatively assemble what you possess, or research, or discover, and help people save time, energy or money, they will gladly pay you for it.
"Think, Write & Retire" is a great resource for anyone considering creating a part-time or full-time income from the Internet."
- Terry Dean, author and Internet marketing pioneer
That's right!
With the right idea, a well-thought out plan and some persistence, ANYONE can build a successful information business on the Internet.
- You do NOT need expensive tools or equipment.
- You do NOT need a big marketing and advertising budget.
- You do NOT need an office, staff or employees.
You can launch an information business with a story based on your own experience, education or expertise.
By finding an audience that likes, wants and needs what you know, and telling them your story, you can quickly and easily launch a career that will set you up for life.
The only two ingredients you must contribute are:
Your Expertise
Your Passion
Many people worry that they don't have any expertise. That's not correct.
Whatever happened in your life is worth money!
"Think, Write & Retire demonstrates how absolutely anyone can leverage the power of the Internet to fuel their passions and live their dreams."
- Joel Comm, New York Times Best-Selling Author
- Got a delicious chicken recipe your family raves about? 245,179 searches are done every month on the Internet for the word 'recipe'.
- Is your dog well-behaved, trained, groomed? There are over 125,000 people searching for 'dog training' who want to know how you do it.
- How about investing? Are you a stock-picking whiz? Every day, thousands of folks are scouring the Net for that 'killer edge' to make profitable trades or earn more money.
- There are kids looking for video game cheats or 'tricks' to win at chess.
- Shy men are seeking tips to land hot dates, become charismatic and sexy, gain more self-confidence.
- Geeks are hunting for a bug-fix in a complex sequence of code in the newest operating system.
There are literally MILLIONS of things about which you can create and sell information products - if you have passion and expertise.
"Dr Mani has put together one of the most comprehensive guides to making money from selling information that I have ever seen. Think, Write & Retire is a great buy."
- Yaro Starak, Problogger and coach
- Do you want to be a published author?
- Do you want to become a writing professional and make writing your career?
- Do you want to support your family (by writing)?
- Do you want the freedom that comes from working for no one but yourself?
Whatever you want, your information marketing efforts can make it happen.
This is the kind of life that being a successful infopreneur can bring you.
Learn To Be An Infopreneur - Click here
"Dr. Mani knows his stuff and he's passing it all on to you here in an easy-to-digest form."
- Mark Joyner, Bestselling Author & Founder of Simpleology
And then, think about the power of your information, about the impact it will have on others. Imagine what the words you're writing or speaking or recording will do when they reach hundreds, thousands, even millions of people.
- Folks remember popular authors for years, for decades, sometimes even for centuries after they're no longer with us.
- Influential writers and orators have touched the hearts and minds of millions of people through their words.
- Motivated activists and evangelists have created movements, supported causes, fuelled missions and changed lives through their writing.
Just think about this for a moment...
What Would You Like To Achieve For Yourself?
- What change do you want to see in the world?
- What will be your legacy?
- What would you like to be remembered for?
Think about that.
And imagine how you'll be able to fulfill those long-cherished dreams as an infopreneur.
All you need is a guide to lead you along the way.
"Zero hype, rock-solid information, inspiring truths, and a jaw-dropping opening statement easily sends this book to the head of the class"
- Tana Stewart
Your Step-By-Step, No-Nonsense Guide To Turn Words Into Wealth
How would you like to have a blueprint for everything you need to know about
- creating information products (like ebooks, special reports, white papers, even print books),
- building information resources (like minisites, blogs, memberships) and even
- developing unconventional infoproducts (like mentoring programs, teleseminars and audiovisual courses).
Well, here's the good news...
That's exactly what you'll find in this 115-page ebook called 'Think, Write & Retire!' which will show you:
- how to tap into your hidden assets and talents
- how to find eager crowds of prospective buyers
- how to create your first info-product, and sell it
- how to leverage this to create multiple streams of income
- how to quickly build strong, sustainable income streams
Get Your Copy of 'Think, Write & Retire' - Click here
In the course of nine meaty chapters, you'll get:
- A brainstorming and strategy setting program to help you select hot, growing, profitable niche markets to mine for infopreur profit.
- Tools and systems to create dazzling information products that delight buyers and keep them coming back for more.
- The best business models to choose from in order to maximize your efforts and easily achieve your dream lifestyle.
- Detailed marketing plans that pull targeted visitors to your business without wasting money on advertising that doesn't work.
- Plans, strategies and concepts to help you leverage early success into an ongoing business with massive growth potential.
"Think, Write & Retire" covers all essential components of information marketing including:
- 1. Planning,
- 2. Writing,
- 3. Professional Partners,
- 4. Production,
- 5. Publishing, and
- 6. Promotion
It debunks the myth that "Writing is hard, Getting published is harder still" by showing self-publishing and alternative monetization models that leave mainstream authors and print publishers gaping in amazement.
Have you ever wanted to release your hidden muse and write your own version of the 'Great American Novel'? Or turn what you already know into steady, continuously growing cash streams?
You Can Do It - As An Infopreneur!
Here's How to Write and Publish the Book that is Inside You
"Think, Write & Retire" will show you how to plug into the incredible inspiration, energy and passion that comes from aligning your meaningful work with your true purpose.
It's your passport to an exciting new land where happy, successful and wealthy infopreneurs enjoy life.
Join us today!
Get your copy for just $39.95... and enjoy a bundle of gifts, bonuses and freebies worth $276.71 for FREE!
Click Here To Order 'Think, Write & Retire'!

Yes, you get a TON of valuable gifts because...
We're Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary!
This is our SPECIAL 10th ANNIVERSARY EDITION of "Think, Write & Retire".
It's humbling to think about how many infopreneurs have had their lives touched and transformed by reading this guide over the past decade.
And still, the powerful message and lessons inside this book continue to resonate deeply with new readers. That's because the premise of turning words into wealth is itself...
Timeless, Ageless & Everlasting
Right from pre-historic times, people have shared their expertise, passion and knowledge with others - and profited from doing so.
The only thing that's different today is the way you'll share what you know... and how you turn it into cash in the bank.
Anyway, to celebrate the 10th year anniversary of its first publication, we're throwing in a bundle of juicy gifts, bonuses and incentives for anyone who orders a copy of "Think, Write & Retire" today.
Your Bonus Gifts ($276.71 Value!) Include...
How To Make $100 Day
($39.95 value)
A tested and proven system to write your way to a $100 per day cash stream - quickly and easily.
Your $500 Infoproduct
($29.95 value)
Step by step blueprint to create, promote and sell your first infoproduct - and earn a $500 profit... all within 7 days.
How To Achieve Your Goals
($19.97 value)
The struggling infopreneur's definitive guide to achieving all your goals & living your dreams!
Twitter Profit
($24.95 value)
A short guide on how to profit from Twitter. Profitable tips and tricks that'll put more cash into your bank account!
33 Blog Profit Ideas Exposed
($17.00 value)
Do you publish a blog? I'll bet you didn't know most of these 33 tricks of blogging for profit!
Value First - A Success Manifesto
($4.95 value)
A set of guidelines by which to live if you want to turn what you know into cash in the bank as an Internet Infopreneur.
47 Hearts
($5.97 value)
How to live your dreams with passion and persistence. 47 precious secrets to transform your life and rocket you to the top.
JV Success Secrets
($19.97 value)
Little-known power tips to get people queuing up to do joint venture deals and partnerships with you.
Content Marketing In 16 Easy Steps
($17.00 value)
How to turn online content into cash streams - effortlessly. Learn 16 steps to build a winning content marketing model.
PLUS... 4 Powerful TRANSFORM-37 Productivity Reports
- "Improve Your Concentration & Avoid Distractions"
- "Persist To Achieve – How To Blitz Your To-Do List"
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- "7 Ways To Boost Your Energy… And Get More Done Today!"
Together, these gifts are worth $276.71... You get them FREE!
And to make the decision absolutely simple and risk-free, I'm going to offer you a guarantee that will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF!
Your Iron-Clad, "No Risk" Guarantee
You have no risk at all. Hundreds of people have already bought and read "Think, Write & Retire" - and agree it is the BEST guide to turning words into wealth... ever!
With a soup to nuts approach that starts at the beginning and works up step by step, this course will guide you through every stage of planning, creating and selling your information product.
But in the remote event that you are not completely blown away by the information you're getting in 9 value-packed sections, I will extend you a 100% satisfaction guarantee - and put my money where my mouth is.
You can ask me for your money back at any time within the next 60 days and I'll refund you in full... no ifs, no buts, no delays.
That's a promise!
And you can keep all the delightful bonuses you'll get (worth over $200 in value) even if you cancel your purchase. It's a way of thanking you for taking a chance to try out the book.

One Final Reason To Buy This Book
If you're still hesitating about whether or not to get "Think, Write & Retire", here's one last reason...
You'll Help Save A Child's Life!
Through my infopreneur activities, I am actively engaged in raising funds to sponsor heart surgery for under-privileged children in India.
I write and sell ebooks to raise money that funds life-saving heart surgery for kids born with congenital heart defects.
Through sales of my books like 'Think, Write & Retire' and ‘47 HEARTS‘, I help readers like you believe in your dreams... while simultaneously generating funds for the '47 Hearts Project'.
This project has helped 152 little children from under-privileged families get expensive heart operations.
"Think, Write & Retire is written by a technician with brains, skills AND a heart as big as Texas! A must read in my book!"
- Carrie Wilkerson, The Barefoot Executive
During this 10th anniversary launch, too, a share of ALL profits from book sales will go to sponsor another child's treatment.
And YOU will help make this happen!
Order 'Think, Write & Retire' - And Help A Child Live

"Every now and then a marketer gets me to stand up and take notice. Dr. Mani caught my attention when I discovered the tremendous work he does to help children with congenital heart defects.
"But I was doubly impressed to find out that Dr. Mani has used Internet marketing techniques and strategies to bring awareness and raise funds for much-needed research.
"A man who lives with passion and purpose, Dr. Mani also understands how to run a successful Internet business."
- Joel Comm, NY Times Best-Selling Author of 'Twitter Power'
Still undecided?
Take a look at...
What People Say About 'Think, Write & Retire'
""Think, Write & Retire" is a wonderful book and I'm quite confident your pocket-book will be greatly enhanced if you follow Dr.Mani's advice.
If you think that infopreneurship is all about the spammy "internet marketing" bluster that smacks of a late night infomercial, this might give you pause.
See, online marketing is just a medium. It's what one does with it that matters.
Yes, some use it to send out messages of questionable value, but some are using it to change the world.
I hope it's the latter who will be remembered, and I hope that you can use the information on these pages not only to change your own life, but to do so by positively changing the life of those around you as well."
- Mark Joyner, founder of Simpleology
"Think,Write and Retire! offers the beginner an in-depth, step-by-step guide through all aspects of creating, marketing and then profiting from information products, which in my opinion is one of the best ways to make money available to anyone today.
It's a great business model, Dr.Mani is a great teacher and the book is a great buy."
- Yaro Starak, Pro-blogger,
"I found the chapters both interesting and informative. I feel that the style in which they are written, makes them a very easy and pleasing read. I particularly like your decision to include real life examples of your own experiences, such as your early ezine and the original project plan for your current book.
"This certainly helps hold the readers attention and helps to convince the reader that you do know what you are talking about and are writing from experience, not just research. Overall I found Think, Write & Retire to be very good, easy to read, informative and in some areas thought provoking. I certainly learned a few things."
- Jeff Colshaw
"Think, Write & Retire is truthful, simple, straightforward, and easy to read and understand. No hyperboles. The writing is metaphorical and symbolic. It provides concepts, perspectives, and shows the direction with clear examples.
"It is helpful to newbies like me. It helped me to get the bird's eye view and an overall picture. With this, I can arrange all the incoming information to advantage. Organized information is more powerful than just more information.
"Go for this. Get the gist of a $1,997.00 home study program for much less."
- G.Sreenivasa Rao
Why Do People Love Think, Write & Retire So Much?
"Think, Write & Retire" is a thorough, comprehensive instruction manual on the art and craft of
- creating information resources,
- monetizing them effectively, and
- turning them into a profitable enterprise.
As a complete, step by step toolkit to start with an idea and build it into a business, this book would be a hit... even if it stopped there.
But that isn't the only reason why so many buyers are thrilled with this powerful infopreneur guide.
"Think, Write & Retire" isn't just a technical manual full of 'how to' tips.
It's a heart-felt passion guide that shows you how to
- Tap into your deepest wishes and dreams.
- Feel energized by your most closely nurtured desires and goals.
- Live your existential mission and message
- Discover how to tease it out, dress it up, polish it until it shines
- And then, showcase it to the world!
"Think, Write & Retire" is a book that reminds you why you're doing what you do in the first place... and shows you how to plug into the incredible inspiration, energy and passion that comes from aligning your meaningful work with your true purpose.
- Do you want to be a published author?
- Do you want to become a writing professional and make writing your career?
- Do you want to support your family (by writing)?
- Do you want the freedom that comes from working for no one but yourself?
Whatever you want, your information marketing efforts can make it happen.
This is the kind of life that being a successful infopreneur can afford.
Learn To Be An Infopreneur - Click Here
Who should get it?
Amateur writers, and hobbyists.
Housewives, retirees, researchers.
Even high school dropouts.
In fact, anyone with a dream - who wants to learn how to turn words into wealth.
It's difficult to choose a "most ideal" audience for a book of this kind. It is crammed with information about writing and publishing content, digitally or in print, that will interest and guide practically anyone to become an infopreneur.
Both novice writers and those seeking to make a full-time career out of it will find the help they need to become successful information marketers.
Most courses focus on "how to get published" - and ignore "how to write". Not this one. You'll learn everything about topic selection, niche exploration, and actual infoproduct creation... step by step.
Get It Now - Click Here >
Why should you read it?
Because this is a very focussed and practical book with a specific purpose:
To show you how to earn a very comfortable living by creating the specific content and information resources that people WANT to buy.
It defines a specific method or system, shows you the tools you'll need to apply the method, and gives you all the help and information you need to plunge ahead confidently and with certainty.
It will show you how to focus on topics that hungry, eager audiences will jump at... and make you a best-selling author, an in-demand speaker, a highly respected authority in your field.

So what's missing from it?
If there is a weakness about this guide, it's that it skims lightly over the exciting area of traditional print publishing. If you'd like to learn more about that, Dan Poynter's or Jack Kramer's books will complement it nicely.
But there is more than enough of interest and value (especially about marketing over the Internet) to even published authors to make "Think, Write & Retire" a worthwhile read.
"Think, Write & Retire" covers a lot of territory, and distills decades of experience into a little over hundred exciting, easy to read pages. It will give any serious information marketer a huge advantage.
By simply following the advice within, there's no reason why you cannot become a highly paid and successful infopreneur.
That's why you need to order your copy today... and read it right now.
Get Think, Write & Retire! - Click Here>
"From beginning to end, Dr.Mani shows you step by step, with facts, figures, and examples, how to turn your knowledge into profits, how to create a loyal customer base, find your niche, discover who wants what you have, and how to turn simple ideas of yours into a very lucrative business.
"This was definitely a "can't put it down" read for me, and I'm certain it will be the same for anyone who wants to get into the Internet information business."
- Tana Stewart
How To Order "Think, Write & Retire"?
You can buy a print copy of "Think, Write & Retire" on - because it's nice to hold a book in your hand, or see it on your bookshelf.
But if what you care more about is the content, and you'd like to save a little money (because, let's face it, times are tough and after all a penny saved is a penny earned) then you can order a digital e-book version.
Click Here to Order Now
You can instantly download YOUR digital copy of "Think, Write & RETIRE" as an ebook, and be reading it within the next five minutes!
PLUS you'll get many valuable bonuses and gifts worth $276.71 - for FREE!

Go for it!
Your exciting future awaits. You can choose to continue through life the way you are now. Or you can escape it all to a new one, where you have freedom, choice and fun.
It's working for me.
And for hundreds of other infopreneurs who had no special advantage over you other than the desire to succeed.
You owe it to yourself to finally reach out and claim the success and freedom you've dreamed of... and deserve.
It's yours for the asking.
Right here. Right now.
All success,
Order 'Think, Write & Retire' - And Help A Child Live

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